緊急紓困金(Emergency Relief Allowances)
在學學生於在學期間突然遭遇意外傷害或因家庭遭遇變故等急難事件導致 經濟頓時陷入困境或亟需救助與關懷者,補助金額視狀況而定,介於 5000~25000元不等。
Currently enrolled students who fall into financial straits or become in dire need of assistance and care as a result of a sudden accident during their enrollment or sudden accident or other emergency in their family may receive an emergency relief allowance of NT$5000 to 25,000 depending on their circumstances.
【申辦時間 Application Time 】
Within six months of the incident during enrollment.
【申辦資格 Eligibility】
1.Currently enrolled THU students.
2.Students experiencing accidental injuries, severe illnesses, or death during their enrollment and who are unable to cover the financial costs of medical treatment.
3.Students whose families suddenly lose their income due to a change in circumstances or other reason, resulting in hardship and the inability to continue their studies.
4.Students who require assistance as a result of other incidences.
5.Students may only receive assistance for the same incident once.
【申辦程序 Application Process】
1. 請至本校學務處生活輔導組網頁下載申請書
2. 填妥申請書及備妥檢附資料等證明文件影本
3. 學生自行送至系教官、導師、系主任簽核後,送交學務處生活輔導組承辦人辦理初審
4. 經學務長核定後始得補助
1.Please download the application form from the THU Student Assistance Division website.
2.Please fill out the application form and prepare copies of the necessary supporting documents.
3.After acquiring signed approval from the department officer, advisor, and chair, please submit the application to the Student Assistance Division.
4.Emergency relief allowances must be approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
【檢附資料 Supporting Documents】
1. 申請書
2. 學生證正反面影本(外籍生請加附護照或居留證影本)
3. 前一學期成績單影本(新生或轉學生以自傳提出)
4. 全戶戶口名簿或戶籍謄本影本(需有詳細記事,外籍生免附)
5. 申請人之郵局或銀行存摺封面影本
6. 遭遇急難事件相關證明影本:如醫師診斷證明書、醫療收據、死亡證明等文件,請盡可能備妥相關資料以利審核。
1.Application form
2.Photocopies of the student ID, front and back (international students must also include photocopies of their passport or alien resident certificate)
3.Photocopy of their transcript of the previous semester (new students and transfer students may provide a cover letter instead)
4.Photocopy of the full household certificate or household certificate transcript (must include detailed history; international students are exempt from this requirement)
5.Photograph of the applicant’s post office or bank passbook.
6.Photocopy of proof of the emergency incident, such as physician’s certificate of diagnosis, receipt of medical payment, or certificate of death; please collect as much evidence as possible to facilitate the subsequent review process.
◎If you have any questions about the process, please contact Ms. Yi-Chiun Chiang of the Student Assistance Division, phone number 04-23590121, ext. 23109.
◎The collection, handling, and use of personal data of THU students is restricted to THU and the Ministry of Education and compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act.