• 教育部急難慰問金(Emergency financial aids for students)

教育部學產急難慰問金(Emergency financial aids for students)

學生本人(含父母)因天災或意外事故(含重病)而致受傷、損害或死亡等急難事件之撫卹補助,補助金額視申請項目及況而定,介於10000~20000 元不等。
Students are eligible for Emergency Financial Aid in the event that they (or their parents) have suffered injuries, damages, or death due to natural disasters or accidents (including major illnesses). The Emergency Financial Aid granted, between NT$10,000 and NT$20,000, will be based on the reasons and situations.

申辦時間 Application Period  
During the semester and within 3 months of the incident

申辦資格 Eligibility
所得合計逾百萬 或 財產逾千萬 不予核給
Students with a household income over NT$1 million or household assets over NT$10 million will not be eligible for Emergency Financial Aid.

3.同一事件以家庭為單位,申請以一次為限,如有兄弟姊妹者,僅限一人 申請,不得重複領取。  

1.Enrolled THU student of ROC (Taiwan) nationality.
2.Students personally (or their parents) suffer from injuries, damages, or death due to natural disasters or accidents (including major illnesses).
3. Households are eligible to file one Emergency Financial Aid Application for the same incident. In the event that the household has more than one family member enrolled at THU, only one shall apply for Emergency Financial Aid.

申辦程序 Application Process  

1. 請至本校學務處生活輔導組索取申請表,或自行下載附件申請表
2. 確實填妥申請表及備妥檢附資料等證明文件送交學務處生活輔導組承辦人
3. 承辦人當場系統填單(請申請人保留十分鐘於現場等候),交由學生送往導師及健康暨諮商中心會簽後再送回學務處生活輔導組承辦人辦理  

1. Please pick up the application form from the Student Assistance Division or download the attached application form.
2. Complete the application form and prepare the required materials. Submit the application form and required materials to the Emergency Financial Aid clerk at the Student Assistance Division.
3. The clerk will input the information into the system immediately (applicants should stay when the clerk is inputting the information, which will take around ten minutes). The clerk will then provide the form to the student. The student should obtain signatures from their advisor/mentor and the Health and Counseling Center before returning the form to the same clerk at the Student Assistance Division.
4. Once approved by the MOE, the Student Assistance Division will notify the student to return to the Division office and sign for the Emergency Financial Aid. Once the grant is remitted to the school, THU will begin the money transfer process.

檢附資料 Required Materials
Please refer to p.1-2 of the application form and provide the materials accordingly

1. 申請表正本
2. 學生證正反面影本或在學證明
3. 全家戶籍謄本(需有詳細記事)
4. 申請人之郵局或銀行存摺封面影本
5. 健保局核定審查通知單(視申請項目檢附)
6. 死亡證明書或相驗屍體證明(視申請項目檢附)
7. 診斷證明或其他災害診斷證明(視申請項目檢附)
8. 學生及父母最近一年所得清單及財產清單

1. Original copy of the application form.
2. Photocopy of the applicant’s student ID (front and back) or proof of enrollment.
3. Household Registration Transcript (with detailed records).
4. Photocopy of the cover of the applicant’s bank or post office passbook.
5. NHI Approval Notice (if necessary).
6. Death certificate or autopsy certificate (if necessary).
7. Certificate of diagnosis or other proof of disaster or diagnosis (if necessary).
8. Student and parent’s income and list of assets in the most recent year.

